What Skin Tone Is Best for Burgundy Hair?


A universal rule: cold skin tone – cold hair pigment. Burgundy, like most mixed hues, stylists refer to complex colours. Burgundy tint does not suit many. It is often not on friendly terms with the skin tone, eye colour, and hair of their owner. So, you should obviously entrust to a professional colorist in this matter – and you won’t go wrong.

Brightness and Boldness of Burgundy Hair Color: 35 Best Solutions

Most of all, this hair shade can be suitable for:

  • cold skin tone, black or gray eyes, dark eyebrows;
  • beige skin tone, brown or green eyes, red eyebrows.

For the former, preference is given to restrained cold shades, while the latter is more suitable for warm palette options.

Attention! It is not recommended to experiment with the burgundy range of summer and spring types, which are characterized by light, calm images. This will create a sharp contrast, disturb the harmony. The result can be a visual addition of several years to age.

Who is Burgundy Hair Color Not Suitable for?

There are other problems attached to this shade of red:

  • a bright burgundy dominates, attracts the eye by itself, diverting attention from the face;
  • requires a certain hue accompaniment: from the colour of clothing to a shade of lipstick;
  • is reflected in the skin tone, giving it a reddish hue, therefore it is not recommended for problem skin with rashes in the form of acne and dilated vessels;
  • emphasizes various hair imperfections – from lack of thickness and splendor to split ends.

Therefore, it is recommended first to understand if you have such problems. Evaluate your skin type in order to opt for the right tint and only after that you can decide whether to dye your hair in this shade or no.
If you have problematic skin prone to redness or breakouts, weak, lifeless hair with split ends, just avoid using this shade.

Brightness and Boldness of Burgundy Hair Color: 35 Best Solutions

In these cases, it will emphasize the flaws even more.

Seasonal Colour Types


Milky white, fair skin, dark eyebrows and hair, blue or light brown eyes.

Almost all shades of this colour are ideal for a snowy white woman: bright red, mahogany, ripe cherries. Black hair with burgundy accentuates the brightness of the eyes and eyebrows. It will look magnificent on both short, long hair and a medium-length haircut.

Brightness and Boldness of Burgundy Hair Color: 35 Best Solutions


Light, translucent, easily reddening skin, light eyes, and hair of warm shades (golden, beige, hazel).

All shades of burgundy are contraindicated for this type of appearance: they make the skin reddish, add several years to age. The only more or less acceptable option for fair-haired beauties is pink burgundy or burgundy with an ash tint.


Pale, light to blue skin, hair of cold tones (from ashy to cold brown), light transparent eyes.

The representative of the summer is a mermaid with icy eyes. Hair of all shades of burgundy will make her painfully pale, and her facial features – expressionless, even bright makeup will not save her. If you want to stay in trend, you can try coloring the ends of your hair in burgundy cold pink or ash shades.


Golden skin tone, reddish hair, and eyebrows, blue, brown, or green bright eyes.

For an Autumn woman – like a red-haired Pippi with freckles – burgundy will do, but it should be warm shades, shifted towards the caramel scale: burgundy-brown, reddish-burgundy.

Brightness and Boldness of Burgundy Hair Color: 35 Best Solutions


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