Men confidence is key point to future success in any endeavor.
An important factor here is properly selected blazers for men and whole outfit in general. Fashion 2017 for mens blazers and mens sport coats has undergone tremendous changes. So, let’s discuss it in «men fashion 2017; blazers for men and mens sport coats 2017» article.

Mens blazers topical styles
Mens blazers do not lose their relevance. It’s important to consider about styles of mens casual blazers while choosing. According to latest fashion trends, shirt cuffs should peek out under the jacket. Moreover, collars width should not exceed 5-7 centimeters. The number of buttons should be not more than three, ideal option is two. All buttons except last one could be fastened. If three buttons, blazers for men should be fastened to second only.

The following mens blazers styles will be in trends of men fashion 2017:
- Double breasted mens blazers. It originates from the Marine uniform of the United Kingdom. This mens sport coats style preferred by confident men who like experimenting and active lifestyle.

- Floral print on blazers for men. Floral embroidery originates from 2016 and does not lose its relevance. In 2017 allowed any options of mens casual blazers with prints.

- Classic styles mens blazers. Classic is always in fashion and season 2017 is no exception. Mens casual blazers cross-linked from iridescent fabric attracts the attention all next season. A distinctive feature of men fashion 2017 is metallic threads.

- Pastel shades. Pastel blazers remain relevant, which look advantageous on holders of slim and athletic shape.

- Casual blazers for men from denim. Interesting use of denim continues to delight mods in 2017. Casual blazers for men from denim are seen in majority of new collections well-known trademarks.

- Summer options. For hot season combination of classic mens blazers 2017 with long shorts are typical. It will be completely new trend in men fashion 2017.

Mens blazers and mens sport coats color scheme
- Beige: the best option is combination of shiny fabric with small print, which could be cell. all materials should be from shades of beige, the so-called «Iced Coffee».
- Heavenly shades of sky blue: at spring-summer 2017, shades of blue with elements of purple for mens blazers and mens sport coats will stay in trend, shades are named Serenity.
- Dynamic red: bright red suits temperamental people, Italian explosive character, while choosing colors should take into account its features: red complete and make heavier shape, so choosing casual blazers for men must be careful.
- Chocolate: chocolate shade with combination of wine components becomes desirable object of any mod, advantageous looked on holders of darker skin and green eyes.

Mens blazers 2017 wearing recommendations
- Mens blazers 2017 certainly should not hang, but not be too fitting. Preference should be given to little form-fitting style.
- Mens sport coats with trousers should emphasize shape: shoulder to shoulder. Mens casual blazers length should be 4-5 centimeters below the waist.
- The classic version is always combined with tie, regardless of reason or event.
- When choosing a vest beneath mens sport coats, attention should be paid to presence of pockets, symmetrical to each other. They will add elegance, gracefulness and accentuate presence of taste. The length of mens blazers should also be below belt around 4-5 centimeters. The cutout can be any. Main thing is correctly to pick right style of jacket, shirt and tie shape.
- Strict distinction between styles and the correct selection of pants for them.
- Careful combination of mens sport coats with t-shirts and shirts.
- Daily outfit recommended diluting with different accessories, such as scarf.
- Multi-layering is coming into fashion. You can wear shirt or warm vest under the blazer.
- Do not forget about button fastening rules.
- Genuine stylish mens shoes 2017 will help to create ultimate outfit.

Hopefully our touch on «men fashion 2017; blazers for men and mens sport coats 2017» will help you.