How to Choose Shoes


All women are shoe addicted; some are less the others more but every woman dreams of having a whole shelf of shoes. There are so many luxurious shoes that will make your heart beat faster but sometimes such variety can confuse especially if you do not know how to choose proper shoes for you.


Choosing shoes begins with shopping. For shoes you’d better go for shopping in the afternoon; in the morning your feet are rested and you can try on tight shoes without feeling discomfort while in the afternoon your feet are a bit tired and you will be able to choose shoes that are comfortable and perfectly fitting.

Sometimes women buy wrong size of shoes and more often they choose small size. You will face problems and in the end you will hide your shoes in closet and forget about them.

If you are looking for comfortable shoes go for round toed shoes. They are much easier to wear than point shoes. You can leave point shoes for special occasions.

No matter you have bought super high or classy shoes make sure you do not wear new shoes all day long. Wear them three times a day for 15 minutes to get used to them.

If you have already bought desired shoes but feel uncomfortable you can use shoe inserts that will provide with extra cushioning. In order to avoid blisters at the heels you can use suède heel grips.


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