Chanel handbags and shoes surely have unique place in fashion industry. Why only shoes and handbags? We are now going to check out Chanel 2015 fall shoes and handbags collection that is an amazing addition to Chanel 2014/2015 fall and winter collection.
If you have already seen Chanel 2014/2015 fall and winter collection you probably remember those bright printed garments, textured and detailed pieces that were represented in the most exciting and unimaginable way. Shoes and handbags collection has similar conception and the first thing that catches attention is bright colors. Both shoes and handbags are made in contrastive shades that definitely look smashing on cool weather.
What are you wearing when going to supermarket? Your answer will be comfy sneakers and here you go. Chanel offers you comfy and statement sneakers completed with pink and glitter details. The look is completed with pink Chanel clutch.
Alongside with classy Chanel handbags designers represented creative and mind blowing designs in bright tones with text prints and embellishments. Knee high boots are also made in unimaginable textures and prints including three and more contrastive colors for extra drama. Surely such accessory should be matched with similar hot outfit so do not forget to check out Chanel 2014/2015 collection.
Besides of shoes and handbags Chanel 2015 fall collection includes jewelry and accessories that are perfectly completing such crazy details.