Newest fashion trends include luxurious and unique dresses for real fashionistas. For this summer designers represented new examples of backless dresses that have greater impact than bold décolleté. For 2014 summer several brands presented backless dresses so if you love such impressive images you can learn how to wear backless dress and how to choose perfect style.
The first problem that you can face when choosing backless dress is underwear. Depending on the style of dress you can choose bra with low clasp or the one going around the neck. The best option is silicone bra that will support breast with any additional details. Surely such bra is not suitable for big and medium size breasts. There are some styles of dresses that can be worn without bra or with nipple covers but make sure you will not look too provocative or vulgar.
Next thing to keep in mind is your complexion. As accent will be placed on back your skin should be flawless. Like face your body needs special care. Do not forget to use scrubs to get rid of dead cells and moisturizing lotions to provide skin with necessary nourishment.
Plus size women should avoid wearing backless dress because all imperfections will be even more visible. The hottest example is tight-fitting backless dress in black or red that will be suitable for parties and special occasions. Still such daring style will be suitable only for flawless figure.
For this summer you will be able to find numerous styles of backless dresses both relaxed and formal. What about hairstyle? If you have long hair you should definitely go for up-do hairstyle that will show off all the beauty of your dress.